
Plaids enrich your home! Experience the aura of a blanket Gorgeous colors to choose from. So you can match your decor perfectly on the ceiling. For classic and elegant style of living to offer sofa covers noble in nature, beige or camel.

Or put you on an exciting contrast and complement your couch with a blanket in a deep red to contemporary setting, see also the perfect ceiling. The great variety that is offered to you, the right blanket keeps ready. Beautiful colors and attractive designs you will find in the ceiling of Bocasa by biederlackborbo or Ibena. Bugatti and other leading manufacturers are s.Oliver.

Your ceiling expert leads sofa covers in high quality and excellent workmanship. Plaids, whether plain or patterned, suitable as a union or as a blanket. Enjoy the soft pliable skin of a high quality ceiling. The many great colors guarantee that you will have much joy to your ceiling!